Stress Prevention, Part II: Creating & Implementing Your Plan

Stress Prevention, Part II- Creating & Implementing Your Plan

Welcome back to the Eagle Mat Blog’s two-part article series on stress prevention programs. If you have not done so already, please read Part I: Forming a Plan for Your Business. This introductory article explains why stress prevention programs are becoming more important for businesses. It also lists a few benefits of workplace stress prevention […]

Best Mats for Gas Stations

Durable Mats for Gas Stations

Rubber mats are in high demand for most retail outlets, and in no scenario is that more true than fuel dispensaries like gas stations.  Gas stations are heavily trafficked each and every day, and most locations adopt a 24/7 operating policy simply to fuel the seemingly never-ending demand for gasoline and other convenience items.   In […]

Top 5 Commercial Matting Products For Your Business

Top 5 Commercial Matting Products For Your Business

When considering different aspects of business management and operations, certain details should be taken into consideration to provide an atmosphere that is ideal for everyone to be able to work productively.  Doing so will help ensure that customers coming in will be given proper customer service and satisfy their needs.  One of these details is […]

Fighting Fatigue with Ergonomic Matting Solutions

Fighting Fatigue with Ergonomic Matting Solutions

Last month, we announced our Fight Fatigue in February campaign to help businesses hedge against one of the most preventable costs of doing business: Worker fatigue. In January of 2009, the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine wrote that an overwhelming 40% of American workers suffered from workplace fatigue. The published study, along with several […]

Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan, Pt. III

Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan, Pt. III

Anticipatory risk management plans may save businesses inordinate amounts of time and money.  Anticipatory is the key word, and those businesses that are successful in proactively identifying and minimizing areas of risk are poised to avoid the downfalls of accidents, liability claims, and increased business costs.  In Part III of our Your Facility’s Risk Management […]

Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan, Part II

Your Facilitys Management Plan Pt II

Risk management programs are instrumental in making facilities a safe place for employees and customers alike.  Critical to success is the ability to be anticipatory, or proactive, in identifying areas of potential risk.  The Eagle Mat Blog is proud to present the Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan, a four-part article series designed to help business […]

Mat Placement Part III: Industrial and Manufacturing Areas

Mat Placement III Industrial Areas

Welcome back to the Eagle Mat and Floor Products article series, Mat Placement.  So far, we’ve explored how polypropylene and rubber make ideal matting products for outdoor applications in the first installment of this series, Mat Placement Part I:  Outdoor Entry Areas.  In our second installment title Lobbies and Service Areas, we navigated through the […]

How Effective Are Anti-Fatigue Products?

How Effective Are Anti-Fatigue Products?

You have probably heard of anti-fatigue mats. These are unique type of commercial floor mat that are highly effective in keeping employees productive all day. These products are indeed the real deal. These mats are effective in keeping employees performing at their best the whole day. Their fatigue and exhaustion are lessened which leads to […]

From Maryland to Miami: Eagle Mat CIO Takes Note of Intelligent Floor Mat Installations

From Maryland to Miami:  Eagle Mat CIO Takes Note of Intelligent Floor Mat Installations

If you are a Web Developer, you may have noticed that is built on the Magento ecommerce software platform.  This platform was chosen because it is robust yet capable of being customized to provide a rich and user-friendly online shopping experience. Best of all, Magento software source code is free and readily available to […]

Anti-Fatigue Mats and Ergonomics

Anti-Fatigue Mats and Ergonomics

What is Ergonomics?  Ergonomics is the study of designing equipment and devices that cater and conform to the human body, its movements, and the brain’s cognitive functions. The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) defines “Ergonomics” as the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession […]