Are Employers Responsible for Temporary Workers?


Although temporary workers and independent contractors aren’t awarded salary or health benefits, they do have the right to be safe and healthy when working at your office or manufacturing center – no matter the duration of the job. Typically, both a staffing agency and host employer are responsible for complying with Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) […]

Minimizing the Risk of Slip and Fall Accidents

Do you worry about the safety of your workspace and your employees’ health? Many business owners, property managers and facility specialists share the same concerns over the well-being of employees, customers and visitors, but being proactive can help diminish the probability of slip and fall accidents and the potential lawsuits that follow. Use the following […]

Summer Safety Checklist 2016

Tips for Pool Safety This Summer

Weather can majorly compromise the safety of your commercial space, whether you manage an office, retail shop or restaurant. Threatening factors which appear in the summertime might be relatively nonexistent during other times of the year, especially considering the high probability of summer storms. This season, review the following commercial space safety checklist to ensure […]

Best Mats for Industrial Manufacturing Centers

Best Mats for Industrial Manufacturing Centers

Industrial manufacturing centers produce a variety of goods, including fabricated metal, printing and publishing, stone, clay, glass, concrete, aerospace materials, furnishings, food and beverages, construction equipment, transportation devices, and wholesale goods. Given the magnitude and scope of these products, large machinery, assembly lines, and ample space is required to keep manufacturing flowing smoothly. But, with […]

Preventing Slips on Stairways


Slip, trip, and fall accidents are all too common in the workplace. STFs, as they are commonly referred to, compromise more than employees’ health. Employees or patrons who suffer an STF-related injury might experience long-term pain, permanent disability, depression, high medical expenses, or even death. Beyond physical injury alone, the cost of STFs to employers […]

Do You Need a Walkway Auditor Certificate Holder?

At the close of 2014, the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) made news by announcing a new certification program designed to give safety managers advanced knowledge and understanding of how to prevent slips, trips, and falls in walkways. The program is geared toward businesses and individual property owners alike, aiming to spread awareness for the […]

Mat Selection Guide [Free Infographic]

Mat Selection Guide Free Infographic

Having trouble deciding which commercial floor mat to buy for your facility? Our editors have developed the following infographic to help! Follow along the Mat Selection Guide to learn more about the important role that commercial matting plays in facility health and safety. Then, use the flow chart to get a better idea of what […]

Save on Our Best Selling Safety Products This Fall

This Fall, Eagle Mat and Floor Products announces a special on our most popular facility safety products. Shop custom-made commercial matting, crowd control, elevator pads, and much more, all reduced to industry-low prices. The Eagle Mat Fall Sale includes Free Shipping and a 100% Price Match Guarantee on all online orders, making this October your […]

2012 Slip and Fall Accidents Cost Businesses $13 Billion

Slip and fall accidents cost American businesses an estimated $13 billion, according to figures gathered by the Liberty Mutual Research Institute (i). Published in the 2012 Workplace Safety Index (WSI), these alarming numbers indicate that businesses might significantly benefit from more rigorous risk assessments, facility maintenance, commercial safety matting/ floor mats, and ongoing training to […]

Understanding Property Owner Liability

Aptly named, property owner liability deals exclusively with the degree to which a landowner is responsible, or liable, for the injury sustained by visitors to the premises. The degree of responsibility can be very low, as is the case when the 3rd party is deemed a trespasser. When the property owner stands to gain a […]