How to Keep Your Entrance Mats Looking New

entrance mat

Entrance mats not only protect the inside of your premises from dirt and water and protect individuals from falling but they can also be a marketing measure. You can even put a logo on certain types of entrance mats. Once you’ve gone to the trouble of buying beautiful, hard-working mats for the entrance of your […]

Garage Floor Coverings: What to Consider Prior to Purchase

Garage Floor Coverings- What to Consider Prior to Purchase

Concrete can be considered one of the most durable and aesthetically pleasing flooring materials used in almost all types of establishments from commercial, industrial, and even residential buildings. When used in garages, however, garage floor coverings are essential in preserving the functionality, structural integrity, and overall appearance of concrete over time. Once upon a time, […]

Fall Product Spotlight: Rubber Stair Treads, Risers, & Landing Tiles

Fall Product Spotlight Rubber Stair Treads

This week, our Fall Product Spotlight series continues with a special look at one of the most common, simple, and yet exceedingly dangerous structures known to commercial business facilities: Stairs. With the unpredictable weather patterns of Fall coming soon, weatherproofing staircases while minimizing exposure to slip-and-fall liability should be at the top of your business’s […]