What Is the Best Way to Care for Wet Umbrellas?

What Is the Best Way to Care for Wet Umbrellas?

We might have an extra day this month (happy Leap Year!), but February is still the shortest month of the year. March will be here soon, which means a shift will occur in weather and relative safety needs. Prepare for the winter thaw and the rainstorms that accompany early spring months. Anticipate wet umbrellas, and […]

Planning for Spring Slip Resistance

Slip resistance refers to the friction needed to prevent one object from slipping along another. In the context of slip and fall accident prevention, slip resistance measures just how much friction is needed to prevent someone from loosing their footing on a walking surface. Common sense tells us that some walking surfaces are more prone […]

Spring Safety Spotlight: Scraper Mats


Spring is here! Though much of the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States is still experiencing colder-than-normal temperatures, it’s time for facility managers and property owners to begin planning for milder temperatures, thawing ice, and rain. With the right products and a forward-thinking plan for safety, facilities can quickly prepare for the looming changes in customer […]