Are Your Office Floors Filthy?

smearing-dirt-across-entrywayFace it: floors subject to hundreds of different shoes per day are bound to accumulate bacteria and dirt. Unless you’re consistently vacuuming or mopping throughout the day, keeping office floors clean on your own is virtually impossible.

Instead of allowing germs and grime to spread across your office floors and potentially harm your employees, leave the dirt at the door. Runners and mats placed strategically at the entrance and exterior of your facility minimize the debris and bacteria that would otherwise be tracked across your office. Plus, absorbent mats diminish the odds of dangerous and potentially deadly slip and fall accidents from rainwater and puddles.

Premier Entrance Mats

Carpet mats for the inside of entryways come in many forms. Two popular choices are Premier Carpet Mats and Berber Supreme Entrance Mats. Premier Carpet Mats have a plush surface and a rubber back to keep from slipping. The nylon surface traps dirt and debris before it has the chance to litter your lobby. Berber Supreme Mats, on the other hand, hold the most aggressive dirt and moisture-reducing qualities. Berber mats are commonly seen in hotels to uphold against heavy foot traffic. Whichever entrance mat you choose, placing a mat certainly boosts your office’s interior appeal. 

Outdoor Rubber Mats

Rubber mats outside of the front door of your office facility have twofold benefits. One is providing traction for visitors and employees entering and exiting the building, and the other is actively scrubbing the bottom of shoes to keep the interior looking and feeling spotless. The Rubber Scraper ECO floor mat is made of 100 percent recycled rubber, and is ideal for offices with heavy foot traffic. These mats are weather proof, acting especially helpful during common summertime thunderstorms. The surface pattern aggressively digs into shoe soles to eliminate dirt and debris, too. Plus, the eco symbol on the front lets visitors know your business is eco-conscious and concerned for their wellbeing.

To discuss sizing and price to determine the best interior and exterior entrance mats for your facility, contact Eagle Mat customer service directly at 877-333-1018.