Eco Mats for Locker Rooms: A Green Safety Solution

Recently, the trend of Environmentally-Friendly building materials have lifted off and taken its stride.  More and more, engineers and architects are designing their buildings with sustainability in mind.  Because of environmentally conscious proprietors and builders, locker rooms nowadays are built with eco-friendly materials.  From walls, to benches, the lockers themselves, and the floor mats can be made out of sustainable materials that help reduce the carbon footprint on the planet.

Green locker room efforts consist of using recycles materials for partitions, changing rooms, fixtures, and flooring.   Developers are also investing in installing no-touch features to use water and heating more efficiently in locker rooms.  Sinks and toilets can now be operated without the need of hands in order to control the use of water at any given time.  The use of solar power and on-demand water heaters in locker rooms are also slowly becoming popular as well.  Solar powered water heaters harness the power of the sun to electrically heat the water, while on-demand water heaters only warm up the water as needed, without the use of a tank.  These measures aim to minimize the environmental impact on the planet.

How to Reduce Environmental Impact

The impetus for this progress towards a more ecological and efficient use of resources is due to the rise in awareness and desire to reduce Environmental Impact.

What is Environmental Impact?

The term “Environmental Impact” pertains to the positive or negative effects on the environment by an industry, business, or plan.  Environmental Impact is often viewed negatively because it attributes any effect on the ecological system as harmful.  Most people prefer to minimize their impact on the environment because this is considered the least harmful and more close to the natural processes.

In relation to locker rooms, owners prioritize the reduction of the carbon footprint and utilizing a more efficient system overall to lessen the harm done on the planet.

What does reducing the carbon footprint mean?

The new developments in manufacturing allows for more durable materials or more sustainable materials to be in use within locker rooms.  Alternative materials like bamboo and recycled high-density polyethylene are now being used in conjunction with recycled steel lockers.  Ambitious engineers aim to create non-corrosive agent to bolster steel lockers and prevent them from rusting.

In a similar manner, locker room mats are being made with 100% recycled PVC.  These eco-friendly alternative matting options provide a sanitary, safe, and dry pathway for patrons.  Using recycled materials, proprietors can take pride in their sensitivity to sustainability and social consciousness.

Why are Eco-Mats Needed?

Despite the reduced Environmental Impact of an eco-friendly locker room, it remains a dangerous place, where accidents can occur if precautionary methods are not pursued.  The wet conditions of the showers and the large amount of people that go in and out, accidents are still present.  Combine the wet floor with lack of proper footwear, locker rooms are not safe.

Locker rooms are also subject to other dangers such as electrical items such as blow driers, electric razors.  Wet conditions and the combination of electric tools are potentially hazardous incidents that must be prevented at all cost.   Slip and fall accidents are also very common inside locker room facilities. In spite of already textured tiles that aim to minimize accidents, there is still a need for effective Eco-Friendly Locker Rooms Mats.

Eco-mats facilitate better foot traction, even when barefoot, on the locker room floor.  It manages the water, and drains it away from the walking surface.  By installing an eco-friendly locker room mat, patrons can feel safe, and at the same time feel environmentally-friendly.

Eco-Mats – Green Sustainability for the Future

Our planet is the only one we’ve got.  It’s important that we focus on keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe, as well as being socially responsible. When shopping for safety mats, consider purchasing eco-friendly mats made with commercial-grade recyclable materials. Such products are effective in water management, accident prevention, and liability prevention. Moreover, these products are an Earth-honoring solution that helps to ensure the health, beauty, and long-term well-being of our planet.