What are the Typical Costs of Workplace Accidents?

2012 Slip and Fall Accidents Cost Businesses $13 Billion

The New Year is right around the corner, motivating business owners and operators to assess the budget and calculate anticipated expenses for 2017. However, many companies fail to factor in the costs of workplace accidents. Worst case scenario, your business is at risk of closing if ample funds aren’t available to pay lawsuits, workers’ compensation […]

2016 Report: Slips and Falls Cost American Businesses $17 Billion

2016 Report: Slips and Falls Cost American Businesses $17 Billion

Each year, the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index ranks the leading causes of non-fatal workplace accidents sustained by workers in the United States. In the 2016 report, statistics show that slip-related injuries cost American business owners an estimated $17.92 billion in total costs (i). All estimates in the report are gathered from a combination of […]

Do You Need a Walkway Auditor Certificate Holder?

At the close of 2014, the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) made news by announcing a new certification program designed to give safety managers advanced knowledge and understanding of how to prevent slips, trips, and falls in walkways. The program is geared toward businesses and individual property owners alike, aiming to spread awareness for the […]

Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls

Many factors contribute to slip, trips, and falls within a commercial facility.  For the most part, the primary cause of these incidents is mostly attributed to the walking surfaces.  According to governing bodies, a clean dry floor must have a coefficient of friction (COF) of 0.50.  For areas used by people with disabilities, this number […]