Buyer’s Guide: Crowd Control Stanchions

Buyer’s Guide: Crowd Control Stanchions

Nobody enjoys waiting in line. But if a store, business, or event is wildly popular, the crowds will come and lines will form. While business owners may pat themselves on the back for drawing the masses to their doorstep, things can quickly turn ugly if they don’t have the plans and equipment needed to keep […]

Picks from Our Editors: Prevent Slips This Winter

Winter is here, which means it’s time to think safety. Over the coming months, several key factors will play a large role in the formation of potential slip and fall accidents. Fortunately, accidents can be prevented with just a bit of planning and proactive maintenance. Use the resources below to ensure your facility is prepared […]

Ten Tips for Christmas Safety

The big day is almost here! As the holiday shopping season approaches the home stretch, the editors of the Eagle Mat Blog have assembled this list of 10 tips for in-store retail safety. Inspired by the Christmas classic The Ten Days of Christmas, the following list summarizes 10 vital elements that need addressed to ensure […]