Locker Room Safety Strategies

Locker Room Safety Strategies

Fitness facilities offer conveniences to make exercise both expedient and sensible, but those comforts almost always come with heightened responsibility for gym owners. Overlooking locker room safety standards and solely focusing on main exercise rooms is a major mistake. Locker rooms allow gym patrons to squeeze in workouts just before work or during a lunch […]

Eco Mats for Locker Rooms: A Green Safety Solution

Recently, the trend of Environmentally-Friendly building materials have lifted off and taken its stride.  More and more, engineers and architects are designing their buildings with sustainability in mind.  Because of environmentally conscious proprietors and builders, locker rooms nowadays are built with eco-friendly materials.  From walls, to benches, the lockers themselves, and the floor mats can […]

Proactive Accident Prevention: Locker Rooms

Locker rooms are inherently dangerous due to liquid accumulation, smooth tiles, the absence of footwear, low traction, electrical devices such as blow dryers, and theft.  Locker rooms are considered the most dangerous area in a fitness facility, and slip and fall accidents are the biggest hazard in this location.  Proprietors of fitness establishments are required […]